Monday, April 8, 2013


I have been teaching Confirmation classes—especially to teen-age boys—for many years now. As the Confirmation day quickly approaches, I must make sure that the boys know who the “Holy Spirit” is.  Recent writings and reflections point out that He is the “Forgotten” Person in the Mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, I launched the question to the class of boys that I thought I had taught at least fairly well for those two years. The question?  “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Silence!  Thinking maybe they did not hear me, I posed the question for the second time:  “Who can tell me who is the Holy Spirit?”  To my chagrin, once again not a hand went up to respond! Persistent and persevering like the widow of the Gospel (Lk. 18:1-8) I asked for the third time: “Who in this class can tell me who is the Holy Spirit???”

Finally, after what was for me a prolonged and painful silence, a young man in the back of the class lifted his hand and blurted out: THE BIRD!!!! Somewhat taken aback and at least a little bit relieved, because of my three futile attempts, at least I finally got a response--- THE BIRD!!!!
Point of this curt but poignant anecdote!  There is vast ignorance today more than ever about the knowledge of our Catholic faith. For that reason Pope Benedict XVI, emeritus, announced the Year of faith from October 11, 2012 until Nov. 24, 2013, the Solemnity of Christ the King!

Was the Confirmation student totally wrong? No!  Of course the Holy Spirit is not THE BIRD!!!  However, the teenage boy was not totally off the mark or in right field.  At least he was able to point to one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit and it is the DOVE--- which of course is a bird.
BAPTISM OF JESUS.  When Jesus was Baptized at thirty in the Jordan River there was a Trinitarian theophany—a manifestation and revelation of the Trinity. The voice of the Father could be heard; the Son Jesus descended into the water to be baptized by John the Baptist, and the Holy Spirit, in the form of the DOVE descended upon Jesus.(Mt. 3:13-17—The Baptism of Jesus account)

A PROPOSAL!  In the Easter Season the Church Liturgy offers to us a delicious platter to taste, consume and assimilate and it is the Word of God.  Jesus said that man does not live on Bread alone but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. (Mt.4:4) The first Reading in the Easter Season leading up to the Solemnity of Pentecost--- the coming of the Holy Spirit---- is taken from the Acts of the Apostles, titled by some as “The Gospel of the Holy Spirit”.   Why not take an hour in silence to read prayerfully--- if you like meditate--- on the Acts of the Apostles and notice the constant appearance of the Holy Spirit.  This is an excellent means by which we can truly get to know the Holy Spirit!

LOCATION AND AUTHOR AND LENGTH!   The Acts of the Apostles follows the last Gospel of St. John, written by the Evangelist St. Luke, travelling companion of St.  Paul, and consists of twenty eight chapters.
May Our Lady who is Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son and Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit, help you through her prayers to get to know the Holy Spirit, love the Holy Spirit and always be attentive to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.  “Come Holy Spirit come though the Immaculate heart of Mary!”

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