Monday, October 29, 2012


Here is Father Broom's Podcast on this important topic

God allows evil because He respects our free will, but God can always bring a greater good out of the evil that we do.  St. Augustine experienced this in his life. Half of his life was given over to pride and sensual pleasure. The second half of his life—after his conversion to the love of Christ—was given over to abundant fruits of holiness.  After his conversion Augustine coined the immortal phrase:  “Oh happy fault of Adam and Eve that resulted in the coming of Jesus Christ, the Savior.”   The sin of Adam and Eve was nothing less than a catastrophe, but the coming of Christ, His life, death and Resurrection (The Paschal Mystery) far superseded the evil of the Original Sin.

Similarly the greatest sinners can become the greatest saints if they simply have a limitless trust in the mercy of Christ. This is the beautiful teaching of Jesus in the modern spiritual classic of St Faustina  “The Diary of Divine Mercy in my Soul.”

Consequently, those who have fallen into the mire and filth of the Pornographic cesspool can reap fruits of salvation and redemption. Man, by his very nature is the epitome of fragility and weakness; we are made of clay as the prophet asserts. However, one of God’s attributes is that of His OMNIPOTENCE--- this means very simply that God indeed is “All-powerful.”  There is nothing that goes beyond the Almighty, all-encompassing and all-embracing power of God.  Jesus said that  for man it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.  God indeed can move the mountains—of our greatest sins.   The Psalmist expresses the same concept:  “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth…”  As well as, “The Lord is my Shepherd there is nothing I shall want… (Psalm 23). St Paul reiterates this, “If the Lord is with us who can be against us and, Paul also stated, “That when I am weak it is then that I am strong.”

All this being said, we must look up confidently to Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, but also He is our Savior, Redeemer, our Rock, but most especially Jesus is our Doctor, Healer, the “Divine Physician” of body and soul!


1.    HUMBLE ADMISSION.  Unfortunately many macho men blurt out to justify and to rationalize porn and other acts of immorality saying:  “Well men will be men; boys will be boys.”  This means that given that they are male then porn and sexual immorality is permissible. Wrong!  Two commandments  command  purity: the sixth and the ninth.  “Thou shall not commit adultery” and “thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife.”  This applies to men and women.  Also, one of the Beatitudes is: “Blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God.”  (Mt 5:8) A pre-condition for holiness, sanctification and salvation is purity for all men, women, boys, girls, young or old, married or unmarried. No exceptions!

2.    CONFESSION!  Sin is moral sickness. It is indeed infirmity. Sick people must admit their sickness and have recourse to doctors.  Spiritually sick people--- sinners, and we all fall into this category—must have recourse to the Spiritual doctor and that is Jesus the Healer present in the person of the priest in the place called the confessional.   There is a Spanish proverb:  “No worse blind person than he who does not want to see; no worse deaf person than he who does not want to hear.”  This simply means that denial of sin, rationalizing guilt will get us nowhere except profound depression, anxiety and vicious habits!  We must admit our problem with porn and bring it to Jesus the doctor in the confessional. Jesus heals, saves, supports, encourages and strengthens us for the battle of life to gain heaven!

3.    HUMILITY, PATIENCE AND TRUST IN HIS MERCY.   Sacramental theology teaches a principle called, “The Principle of graduality”.  This means that we cannot always overcome a bad habit or vice immediately, but it takes time, human effort, but especially the grace of God. One might have recourse to confession and fall. However, one fall in a week is better than two falls every day! In pursuit of holiness God allows weaknesses and falls so that we grow in humility, self-knowledge and awareness and training for the spiritual battle.

4.    PRAYER!  Prayer is called the weakness of God and the strength of man. Of course God is never weak, but He gives in to our constant begging. Bartimeus the blind beggar recovered his sight precisely for this reason: he kept begging and insisting--- almost to the point of being a nuisance—that Jesus might grant him what he desired, his sight.    Addictions, especially to porn, must be overcome by humble, constant, persistent, and confident prayer to the Lord of the Universe. Remember what Jesus said: “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open.” (Mt 7:7)

5.    PENANCE.   On one occasion the Apostles asked Jesus why they could not cast out the devils and Jesus said that only through prayer and fasting would they be able to do it!  Behind porn the devil is indeed present--- seducing, lying, alluring and deceiving; all of these are maneuvers of the devil, who Jesus said is a liar and a murderer form the beginning. (Jn. 8). Therefore, establishing a discipline of penance, mortification, or fasting can be another key weapon in the conquering the enemy of porn.

6.    SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND STATE OF DESOLATION.    The genius of St. Ignatius of Loyola is bequeathing to the Church the Spiritual Exercises, the Jesuits, thousands of letters of rich spiritual insight.  Still more, Ignatius bequeathed to the Church and the world at large Rules for discerning the spirits.  The bad spirit and his suggestions must be rejected manfully and quickly; the good spirit with his inspirations should be received.  In the context of the rules issues forth a key concept: DESOLATION!  Desolation defined is when the soul feels sad, depressed, lack of peace, inclination to low things—sensuality—lack of faith, hope and charity. And it is precisely in this state of soul that the devil strives to attack us with temptations and he knows our weakness; it is precisely in these moments of temptation that many are prone to have recourse to the lie of porn, to give in to creature-comfort and illicit pleasure that we call pornography.  All are prone to the state of desolation and it is in that moment that we must make the decision to turn to God and seek His defense and strength rather than to capitulate to the devil of porn. Spiritual life indeed is a constant battle, but God is stronger than our weakness.

7.    LOVE FOR JESUS AND MARY.  Indeed porn is a false-god, an idol, the Bronze calf of the day.  A key element in conquering this sin is to get to know, love and grow in Friendship with Jesus.  In this Year of faith, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI challenges all to discovering a real and personal encounter with Jesus.  St Peter walked on the water when he had his eyes fixed on the eyes of Jesus, but when he lifted his gaze he sunk in the cold waters.  We too must not focus on anyone nor anything in our lives except Jesus, His will, and His Friendship. If not we will sink into the muddy and almost inextricable muds of porn. Jesus must be my Way, Truth, Life and constant Friend and Companion on the Highway to heaven!


We have outlined a “Spiritual strategy” to conquer the enemy of Pornography. In the following article, we will present practical steps for a proper use of the Computer and the Internet--- both the spiritual and the practical steps must be applied.

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