Thursday, September 20, 2012


Once while enjoying the presence of the children, the Apostles tried to prevent the little ones from coming to Jesus.  The Lord rebuked them saying, “Let the children come to me. Unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”    There are many ways that we can bring the children to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
1.     CONTRACEPTION NO!   By utilizing artificial means of contraception the possibility of a child to enter into this world is blocked.   Years ago couples would marry and rejoice in the gift of the child.  Now couples are married and they do all they can to prevent the child from being born.  Materialism!   A new car, a big brand new house, a large swimming pool, long luxurious vacations, interminable parties—all of these are placed above the conception and birth of a child.   How contrary to the Bible!  The child is always seen as a “blessing” throughout the whole Bible.  Infertile mothers once they conceived rejoiced immensely--- Hanna the mother of Samuel, St. Elizabeth, and Anne and Joachim, the parents of Mary are clear examples! Conceiving a child in their old age was seen as an extraordinary blessing!

2.    ABORTION: KILLING THE CHILD!  Another clear way to frustrate Jesus’ exhortation to let the child come to Him is the cruel reality of abortion. In USA abortion is the most common operation.  Since Roe vs. Wade close to 52 million babies have been killed through surgical abortions; 5000 a day,  three every minute, one every 20 seconds, infanticide!

3.    BAPTIZE!  Many parents postpone the Baptism of the child for silly and insignificant reasons.  We do not have money?  Not enough saved for the party!  The Godparents are too far away!   Holy Mother Church insists on infant-baptism and within the first few weeks!   Delaying Baptism without sufficient reason can be a serious sin because the parents are preventing the child from coming to Jesus, and preventing Jesus as well as the Father and the Holy Spirit from living within his immortal soul!

4.    LAZINESS IN PRAYER!  A child can be compared to a “Sponge”.  The nature of the sponge is that it absorbs, either dirty water or clear, crystalline water!  Place a 3 or 4 year old in front of the T.V. set and he can repeat what he hears, often vulgar words, or bad scenes he has viewed.  Why not teach the child in his fresh, fertile, virgin mind—as soon as possible—the prayers, “Dear Angel of God…”  “Our Father…”  “Hail Mary…”  “Glory be…” “Jesus I love you!!!”  The parents are the prime educators of the child, especially in the realm of faith and as teachers of prayer! Parents be responsible! It is your duty to provide the most efficacious means for the salvation of your children.  Remember the words of St. Augustine:  “He who prays well lives well; he who lives well dies well; he who dies well all is well.”

5.    THE BREAD OF ANGELS/ THE BREAD OF LIFE!  Thanks to St. Pope Pius 10th children who reached the age of reason can prepare themselves to make their First Holy Communion. As early as possible parents should register and enroll their little ones in the First Communion classes so as to receive Jesus, the “Bread of Life”, and “The Bread of the Angels”!   Responsible parents will not delay on this. Remember the words of Jesus: “Let the little children come to me…”

6.     PRAYER BOOKS!   I remember the day of my First Communion one of the most precious gifts I received was a beautiful 1st Communion prayer book.  It had unforgettable prayers: Act of Faith, Hope and Charity, Act of Contrition, prayers in preparation for Mass as well as prayers of thanksgiving, not to mention countless prayers to a whole host of saints!  This Prayer book served as an excellent primer in teaching me how to pray!

7.    CONFESSION!   Children are totally dependent upon the parents!  Beyond the shadow of a doubt one of the most effective practices in the formation of the conscience is the practice of frequent sacramental confession.  In my many years teaching catechism and teaching catechism teachers I noticed this fact: the more frequent we provide confession for children the more they enjoy coming. Whereas when confession is neglected and delayed the child is assaulted with fears, doubts and confusion and down-right resistance to this Sacrament of God’s mercy!  Parents take them at least once a month; and go yourself and give good example!

8.    HOLY PICTURES AND CRUCIFIX!   A picture is worth more than a thousand words.  Why not post on the bedroom walls of your child beautiful reminders of God’s presence by placing Holy Pictures and paintings.  Divine Mercy, The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Good Saint Joseph, and the Guardian angel--- all of these serve as reminders to the child that he is never alone but always in the company of God and God’s best friends.  Of course, the crucifix on the wall should never be lacking.  “ No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for his friends.”

9.    DAILY MASS AND HOLY COMMUNION.  Then once the child has made his first Holy Communion, there is nothing greater in the world for the child than to bring him to Daily Mass and daily reception of Holy Communion.  One Holy Communion is worth more than the whole created universe. Recall once again Jesus’ words: “Let the little children come to me; as such are the kingdom of heaven.”  Why not encourage your little boy to prepare to be an altar-server.  Pope John Paul II stated clearly that the boy serving Holy Mass is a stepping stone on the way to the priesthood.  “The harvest is rich, but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers to work in the vineyard.”


10. CONSECRATION TO MARY.  A pregnant mother should consecrate her baby to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On the day of Baptism the baby should be consecrated to Mary.  In family prayers parents should renew their consecration of their family to Mary as well as each and every one of their children!  Consecration to Mary is the shortest, easiest, quickest path to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Therefore let us heed the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ starting today: “Let the little children come to me because of these is the kingdom of God!”

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