Monday, July 22, 2013


1.    Suffer a humiliation in silence in imitation of Jesus in His crowning.

2.    In moments of suffering pray, “Father, thy will be done…”

3.    SMILE!   When you are tired, with a headache and feel like complaining!
4.    HEROIC MOMENT! Upon hearing the alarm-clock, dart out of bed, to your knees and consecrate yourself to Jesus and Mary, even though you want to hit the “Snooze-button.”

5.    NO CONDIMENTS! Try a day, or at least a meal, without putting condiments on your plate! Reason?  To taste the bitter gall of the passion of Christ and for the conversion of a death bed sinner!
6.    KNEEL!  Kneel in prayer for a few minutes when you prefer to fall back on the “Lazy-boy” sofa!

7.    COMPLIMENT!  Compliment somebody that you are jealous of with sincere honesty.  This could be a major victory over self! Remember the words of Sacred Scripture: “Easier to conquer an army than oneself!” The battle for the Kingdom is within one’s own heart!

8.    PRAY AN EXTRA ROSARY! Even though you do not feel like it, pray an extra Rosary for the conversion of sinners. Remember the words of Our Lady of Fatima, “Many souls are lost because there is nobody to pray and offer sacrifices for them.”
9.    GREETING!  Greet somebody that you do not particularly like in a warm and welcoming way. Overcome bitterness and resentment by concrete acts of love!

10. PRAY FOR SOMEBODY THAT HURT YOU.  Still lingering is a long-term resentment. Pray for somebody that hurt you deeply.  Recall the words of Jesus as He hung on the cross:  “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”

HOLINESS!  Holiness of life can be gained by doing small actions with great love. The essence of the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux is to do the ordinary things of life with an extraordinary love!

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