Sunday, December 16, 2012

Points Of Meditation - Week Of Saturday, 12.15.12 to Friday 12.21.12



SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15TH     Mt. 17: 9a, 10-13    “I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they pleased.  So also will the Son of Man suffer at their hands.”
·         In the Old Testament, Malachi speaks of the coming of Elijah the prophet before “the great and terrible day of the Lord.”   The second coming of Christ and final judgment.
·         When Jesus says that Elijah has already come, he is referring to John the Baptist who prepared the way for the first coming of the Lord, the same as Elijah will do prior to Jesus’ second and final coming.
·         “A servant is not greater than his master.  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you
also.” (Jn 15:20)  Like Jesus and St. John the Baptist, true followers of Christ will also
“suffer at their hands.”  This is an Ignatian meditation on The Two Standards!  We are in spiritual warfare.  Are we under the Standard of Jesus Christ?  Or under the Standard of Satan?   We should recall before we answer that Jesus Christ and His Church are one!   
·         The persecution has already begun – with the HHS Mandate.  This is what the US Conference of Catholic Bishops have to say about the Mandate:
On January 20, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reaffirmed a rule that virtually all private health care plans must cover sterilization, abortifacients, and contraception.  The exemption provided for ‘religious employers’ was so narrow that it failed to cover the vast majority of faith-based organizations – including Catholic hospitals, universities, and charities – that help millions every year.  Ironically, not even Jesus and his disciples would have qualified for the exemption, because it excludes those who mainly serve people of another faith.  In addition, “There is no exemption for objecting insurers, secular employers, for-profit religious employers, or individuals.” 
·         Contraception, far from preventing abortions, leads to abortion… 1) When contraception fails abortion eliminates the unwanted pregnancy by killing the child; 2) The pill and other contraceptive drugs and devices are abortifacients – they allow conception, but prevent implantation in the womb destroying the life of a human being in the earliest stages of development – a mini-abortion.   
·         Contraception, abortion and sterilization are woven of the same cloth – a belief that a child is a burden not a blessing.  Nowhere in Scripture is a child referred to as anything but a blessing!  And the Church of Jesus Christ affirms that pro-life mentality.


·         This contraceptive mentality kills not only the child, but sacrificial loving between husband and wife - married love becomes selfish love.  It also promotes promiscuity.  It makes lust appear glamorous and the virtues of chastity and purity old fashioned. 
·         Natural Family Planning (NFP) allows a husband and wife to delay pregnancy for a serious reason using the natural rhythms of the woman’s body – infertile periods designed by God.  It involves sacrificial loving between spouses and an ongoing decision as to whether God is calling them to have another child at this time.  NFP is so successful that couples having trouble getting pregnant use it to enhance their chances of having a child!
·         It is negligence for a married couple of child-bearing age not to learn and use NFP.  And it is sinful not to throw out their contraceptive mentality with their contraceptive devices!
·         This country was founded by people seeking religious freedom.  Today religious freedom is being challenged as never before over the Church’s teaching on the evils of sterilization, abortifacients, and contraception. 
·         Each of needs to examine our conscience – do we think with the mind of the Church on
these issues?  No matter what any politician says, we cannot disagree with the Church’s teachings and think that we are still Catholic.
·         We need to beg for the gift of faith to believe in ALL that God has revealed through Christ and His Church, on the authority of Him revealing it, He who can neither deceive nor be deceived!
·         Jesus Christ will come again in His second and final coming.  He will separate the sheep from the goats, putting the sheep on His right for eternal life and the goats on His left for eternal punishment.  “For whatever you did to the least of these you did to me.”  Who is least than the tiniest baby in the womb?   Which side will we be on? 

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16TH        Lk. 3: 10-18      Third Sunday of AdventGaudete Sunday
“Now the people were filled with expectation…”


  • John preached the good news to the people and their hearts were filled with expectation.  Our hearts too lift in expectation of Jesus coming to us this Christmas in a deeper, more intimate way.
  • The spirit of Advent largely consists in living close to Our Lady during this time when she is carrying Jesus in her womb.
  • By living this coming of Christ beside Our Lady each day we may be certain of attaining the one thing in the whole of our existence that is really important – finding Christ in our life and being with Him for all eternity.
  • Mary gives us hope…  Mary calms our fears…  Mary shares her peace and her joy with us…  Mary lights the path to her Son…
  • In a few days we will see Jesus in the crib – a proof of God’s mercy and love for us poor sinners.
  • “On this Christmas night everything inside me stops.  I am face to face with Him; there is nothing but this Child in the whole of this huge white expanse.  He does not say anything, but He is here… He is God loving me.” (J. LeCercq)   If God becomes man and loves me, how am I going to refuse to seek Him?!
  • Neither external difficulties nor our own sinfulness can do anything to quell the Joy of
Christmas which is approaching.  From the stable at Bethlehem to each elevation of the most Holy Eucharist, Jesus Christ Himself is our hope! 
  • He takes our eyes off earthly things which “moth and rust consume, and which thieves can break in and steal” and turns our hearts and our minds to heavenly things for which we were created – above all, the supreme happiness of the eternal possession of God!
  • “He has made his salvation known” and the means of that salvation are readily available to us in the teachings of His Church, in prayer, in the Sacraments, in penance and good works.  Even the good things of this earth are a means insofar as God orders them for our salvation. 
  • Let us struggle every day against discouragement which saps our strength, and urge ourselves to do the good God wills us to do.  Let us give ourselves wholly to hope and trust in God that leads us to abandon ourselves totally to Him in all that He desires for us.
  • Pope Benedict XVI has these words of encouragement for us:  “True joy is not merely a passing state of mind or something that can be achieved with the person’s own effort.  Rather, it is a gift, born from the encounter with the living Person of Jesus and making room within ourselves for welcoming the Holy Spirit who guides our lives.  It is the invitation of the Apostle Paul who says: ‘May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thes 5:23).’”
  • “Saint Augustine understood this very well.  In his quest for truth, peace, and joy, after seeking them in vain in many things he concluded with his famous words: ‘and our heart is restless until it rests in God (cf. Confessions).’”
  • “In this season of Advent let us reinforce our conviction that the Lord has come among us and ceaselessly renews His comforting, loving, and joyful presence.  We should trust in Him.  As Saint Augustine says further, in the light of his own experience, the Lord is closer to us than we are to ourselves: ‘interior intimo meo et superior summo meo’ – higher than my highest and more inward than my innermost self (Confessions,).’
  • “Let us entrust our journey to the Immaculate Virgin whose spirit is exulted in God our Savior.  May she guide our hearts in joyful expectation of the coming of Jesus, an expectation full of prayer and good works.”

MONDAY, DECEMBER 17TH    Mt. 1: 1-17   “The Book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham….”
  • The promises God made to Abraham for the salvation of mankind… Nathan’s prophecy to King David of an everlasting kingdom… These are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
  • The genealogy presented here by St. Matthew shows Jesus’ human ancestry.  While Jewish genealogies followed the male line, Mary also belonged to the house of David.  The genealogy indicates that salvation history has reached its climax with the birth of the Son of God through the working of the Holy Spirit – Jesus Christ, true God and true man, the long expected Messiah.
  • Who could imagine that out of this centuries-long conglomeration of saints and sinners “Jesus who is called the Christ” would be born?!  The Holy Spirit shows us that God’s ways are different than ours.  God saves us, sanctifies us, and chooses us to do good despite our sins and infidelities!
  • Let us reflect on these words of the Prophet Isaiah and take encouragement from them:  “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’
  • As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.’”
  • And what is the purpose for which God sent His Word – Jesus Christ into the world?  He came to give us life and life more abundantly, now and for  all eternity!  You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.’” (Is 55: 8-13)
  • This is the Good News of the coming of Christ.  Elizabeth said to Mary, “Blessed is she who believed the word the Lord spoke to her would be fulfilled.”  And blessed are we her children who also believe!  We believe, Lord, but increase our faith!  May we believe only in you and not in ourselves!

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18TH        Mt. 1: 18-25    Saint Joseph, Our Model…


“Mary was betrothed to Joseph…”   Joseph was obedient to the civil and religious laws of his time.  He did things in the right way – he was well ordered.  Betrothal before marriage… He paid attention to the details.  Do we sometimes let the details slide saying, “Well that’s not really important, I’ll do it my way.”  That was not the way of St. Joseph.

“before they lived together…”  First the marriage then the goods of marriage…  God’s law is important…  Do we always practice chastity (purity) in our state of life?  Do we help others live a chaste life?  Do we encourage young people to guard their purity?  Do we vocally support the Church’s teaching on priestly celibacy?  Or do we undercut this holy practice by our words and our attitudes?

“A righteous man…”   Joseph was a man dedicated to God – a man of prayer and holiness.  His holiness and devotion to God shone through his actions.  Do people know we are growing in holiness by our words and our actions?

“unwilling to expose her to shame…”   Joseph protected Mary even though perhaps he was wounded by her unexplained pregnancy.  His actions towards her were full of charity, forgiveness, mercy.  His concern was for her, not for himself.   There was no bitterness… no anger… no desire for revenge in his heart.  His only thought was to shield her from public ridicule.  Is this how we act when we are offended, wounded or betrayed?

“such was his intention…”   He did not act in a quick, thoughtless manner.  He discerned. He prayed.  He asked for God’s help.   He didn’t make a decision in desolation!  He waited until he had clarity… in the consolation of God’s presence.

“for it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her…”  The angel gives Joseph a view of the awesome miracle that God has wrought!  This is the action of the Holy Spirit… this baby will be the Messiah and He will save people from their sins!  Joseph must have had the quality of deep prayer… here is a revelation beyond belief and he accepts it instantly, without question!  Only someone accustomed to hearing God’s word in prayer and acting on it could act as he did in this situation!  He is our model in mental prayer…

“he did as the angel commanded him”   Joseph obeys.  His will is set.  He never wavers in the trials to come.  He has heard the word of God and he follows it with his whole heart, mind, being and strength!  To be selected as the spouse of the sinless and beloved daughter of God takes some special qualities…  Obedience… holiness… purity… charity…mercy… contemplative life… discernment… docility… and faithfulness.

Let us beg Saint Joseph to take us under his patronage, so that he may be our model as we strive to grow in holiness and welcome Jesus into our hearts this Christmas.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19TH        Lk. 1: 5-25     St. John the Baptist’s Qualities…
  • Here is the message Zechariah receives from the angel:
            Do not be afraid, your prayer has been heard.     
            Your wife will bear you a son…
            You will have joy and gladness…
            Your son will be great in the sight of the Lord…
            He will drink neither wine nor strong drink – that
            is to say, he will lead a holy life…
            He will be filled with the Holy Spirit…
            He will turn many of the children of Israel to the
            Lord their God…
He will go before Him (Jesus) to turn the hearts of fathers towards their children – that is to say, he will lead people to the Messiah who will be a beacon of mercy for them…
                  He will turn the disobedient to the understanding
                  of righteousness…
            He will prepare a people fit for the Lord.
  • What a set of promises!!!  Zechariah is in the temple…  He’s offering incense before the altar of God…  He is “righteous in the eyes of God”…  He is at his priestly work…  He is prayerful.  In this context he has an apparition, and the angel of the apparition gives him these promises!
·         There are two possibilities…  It is either the evil spirit speaking to him or the good spirit…  If it was the evil spirit he would banish it and not engage in this conversation. So Zachariah must think this is an angel of the Lord.  And this messenger from God is making a lot of grand promises! 
·         What should he answer?  How about: “Sounds great to me!  Bring it on!”  Instead he argues with the Angel… and pays the price!
·         How could he do that!   It is so clear who is speaking here…  Wake up Mr. Z and smell the coffee!
·         We would never be that obtuse… would we??????
·         Really?  God has not only made even grander promises to us, He has already delivered miracles to us, not just the promise of future ones!
·         He has revealed Himself intimately in Holy Scripture – He has shown us His merciful
Heart… we have seen the suffering He endured for us… He comes to us in the Eucharist!
·         He has given us His Church… the Sacraments… His Mother… the Saints… He has made His salvation known in a million ways!
·         Yet sometimes we are no different than Zachariah…
·         God’s path is clear… direct… revealed!  And yet we choose our own path… we sin… we fail to respond to the abundant graces He pours out on us.  We choose our way instead of His way!
·         Proverbs 3:6 says: “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.”   We say we want a straight path… but we choose the crooked path, like Zechariah.
·         Today, as we prepare for the Birth of Christ less than a week away… let us reflect on both God’s generous promises to us for our future… but also the gifts He has given to us already.  How well do we use His gifts each day?

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20TH     Lk. 1: 26-38    Mary’s holy hour… 


  • Mary is alone… Silent… Meditating on Scripture… Contemplating God’s presence…  Praising Him…  Loving Him…
  • Because she is absorbed in prayer, Mary is able to see the Archangel Gabriel, hear his words, hear God’s message for her…  Like Mary, silence and reflection lead us to God’s word and His message for us…
  • Hail full of grace, the Lord is with you…”  Mary’s response?  Silence… She is troubled by the greeting, but ponders these words in silence…  She recognizes the power and grandeur of Gabriel, but her mind and heart have to wrestle with the message…  What is God saying to me?  What does this mean?  She ponders…
  • In our holy hours we receive inspirations of the Holy Spirit… Do we hear them? 
Ignore them?  Maybe even reject them?  Or do we ponder them in silence, allowing
God to answer our confused or troubled hearts...
  • Do not be afraid, Mary….”  God knows our fears and doubts…
  • You have found favor with God…”  What a consolation to be assured we have found favor
with God!   The inspirations given by the Holy Spirit are a sign of God’s favor for us!  We
receive this assurance in our prayer and our silence…
  • How can this be…”   Mary has a colloquy with the angel…  Sometimes we enter into conversation with God…  Can I really do what you’re asking me to do, Lord?
  • Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.”  These words of Mary’s fiat – her Yes to the Lord’s request – must fill her with light, joy and confidence!   She has always known that the Lord had some great plan for her… now she knows what it is!  God has great plans for each one of us…  In our holy hour He reveals these plans to us and waits for our answer…
  • Mary has prayed… meditated on Holy Scripture… contemplated God’s presence in her life… heard the word of God and said Yes…  The whole reason for her existence has been made clear to her…  She must have burst out with a song of praise for the God who loves her and whom she loves!  When we hear what God is asking of us and respond with our whole heart… we can know Mary’s joy and sing God’s praises with her!
  • All this happens to Mary, and to us, in the silence of deep prayer… Spending time praising,
adoring, and loving the Lord with our whole being… in the silence of mental prayer…

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21ST    Lk. 1: 39-45     “Mary set out…in haste.” 


  • Mary sets out in haste.  Our Lady puts all she has at God’s disposal…
  • Her personal plans, no doubt she has many, are discarded so she can go where God wants her to go.
  • She has no excuses…no reservations…no hesitation.  She doesn’t say, “I’ll go, Lord, but let me finish the plans for my wedding and big reception first.”  She doesn’t say, “Let me get married and have my honeymoon in Jerusalem, then I’ll go!” 
  • She drops everything and is gone for three months!
  • She hears the Word of God in prayer…  She receives Him into her heart… and her heart explodes in magnanimity – great generosity with great courage!
  • Mary teaches us that magnanimity is a virtue of great souls…  Souls who express their love for God and find their reward in the act of giving.  
  • A generous person knows how to be loving, understanding and give material help without demanding or expecting love, understanding or help in return!  He gives and forgets he has given…. He gives and does not count the cost…
  • Selfishness impoverishes our heart… narrows and limits our thinking and our loving.  It is a slow acting poison that acts quietly but with deadly effect… 
  • Giving enlarges our heart… stretches our soul… so we can receive more, and then give more!  Let us ask Mary to teach us to be generous!  First with God, and then with others.
  • When we hesitate… when we refuse… it is often because we do not trust God to provide.
Mary trusts that the word the Lord speaks to her is true and will be fulfilled!
  • When we give ourselves over to our own plans and desires, we’re not trusting in God’s plans and desires for us…  We die a little at a time in our selfishness…  Generosity causes growth…   Selfishness causes death…
  • Let us imitate Mary…  Be generous!  Be swift!  No hesitation! All out!  No reservations or quibbles!
  • Today and every day let us pray this pray of our father, St. Ignatius:

Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your will.

  • Then with God’s grace we will become like Mary, our Mother!

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