Here is Father Broom's Podcast on this crucial topic
A few years ago I was highly impressed
by a National Geographic Documentary on wolves and Buffaloes. The Presentation displayed several times a
buffalo running in a vast field--- strong, muscular, confident, the king of the
wilderness, until something unexpected happened! In hiding and waiting was a wolf. Studying
the movements of the Buffalo and allowing the buffalo to distance himself from
the wolf, suddenly the wolf sprang forward after the buffalo like a fiery
arrow! Kicking up dirt, galloping
loudly, fixing his gaze ahead into the vast wilderness, the buffalo was totally
unaware and oblivious to the danger that was on his heels--- the ravenous wolf,
picking up speed and rapidly approaching.
Finally, upon reaching the buffalo,
the wolf launches himself on the heel of the buffalo, taken totally by
surprise, the buffalo stumbles, falls and cascades to the ground, unable to
rise and resume his graceful sprint. Aware of the victory, the other wolves in
the pack surround the buffalo nip, bite, and end up devouring the whole of this
huge animal. In a matter of a few
minutes there remains only the bare bones and dead carcass of this majestic
Highly impressed by this National
Geographic Documentary, I felt there is a clear moral connection between the
sly, astute, hidden, but ravenous and deadly wolves, which end up destroying
and killing, and the presence of the ravenous wolf of “Pornography” in the
home. Radio, TV. Cable, papers and
magazines, but especially deadly is that of Pornography through the Internet!
The purpose of this short essay is to
cry out WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parents,
Moms and Dads indeed know that this is
an “all—too—present wolf” but as Good Shepherds to their flock are too
passive and slow to expel the wolf from their midst! Consequently the sheep are exposed to danger,
attack and even moral disaster. We hope
that by reading and reflecting upon this moral danger, this Ravenous wolf in
our midst, it will serve as preventive medicine, or if need be, curative
Serious studies all agree that pornography is highly addictive. A sincere disciple of Christ who had been
immersed in multiple vices gave witness to the gripping effect of pornography.
He stated that he conquered drug addiction as well as alcoholism, but could not
conquer the addiction to pornography.
Studies point out that addiction to porn is more gripping than addiction
to cocaine.
PROCESS OF ESCALATION. Another study points out the sequence of the
addiction as follows! Curiosity leads
to casual viewing of porn; then casual viewing leads to constant viewing. Then escalation sets in! There is a desire
for more graphic and explicit images. Finally desensitization, in which what
was considered repulsive, is considered normal. Finally, acting out! All too frequently what is seen is carried
out in life. If you like, what goes into
the eyes, filters into the brain, from the brain the emotions, from the
emotions the heart and from the heart into life. Then actions form habits and habits form the
personality of the individual and finally his eternal destiny! Reflect on this process!
OBJECTIFY THE WOMAN. The net result of addiction to pornography
on a personal and human level is the degrading of the addict in the sense that
he no longer is able to view the woman as a daughter of God, a temple of the
Holy Spirit, as a sister in Christ, or as a mother. Rather the woman is simply an object to be
viewed, lusted after, exploited and used and then finally discarded, if you
like, like a used Coke a Cola bottle!
Pope John Paul II in his masterpiece on the Theology of the Body affirms
this. Either the woman is to be respected, loved and honored as God’s creation
or seen as an object to be lusted after and used as a means of selfish
ADULTERY OF THE MIND. A married man who capitulates to the addiction
of pornography in reality commits adultery. How and why? In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus clarifies
the extent of adultery going beyond the mere physical act of adultery, with
these words: “You have heard it said, “You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, everyone who looks at a
woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it
out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to
have your whole body thrown into Gehenna.” (Mt. 5:27-29). Jesus could not be more clear in his
teaching on purity and adultery. Adultery extends from the physical reality
even to the yes and inner intentions of the heart. Many marriages have been jeopardized,
weakened, wounded, damaged and even rent asunder due to the entrance of the
ravenous wolf of pornography into the home!
For entrance into heaven Jesus gave us a Beatitude: “Blessed are the pure of heart, they will see
God.” (Mt 5:8).
WOUNDING OF INNOCENT CHILDREN. The poet said it clearly, “No one is an
island unto himself.” Addiction of
pornography of the father, ruins his
relationship with his wife, ends in separation and eventual divorce and the
innocent ones--- the children—are the ones that suffer due to the
separation! The wolf is on the prey to
ruthlessly destroy families!
EXPULSION OF GOD! Obviously the worse consequence of the
seeking out of pornography, viewing, and eventual addiction is the expulsion of
God from one’s life. In the “Year of
Faith” proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI—from October 11, 2012 until Nov. 24th 2013, the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, the King
of the Universe--- the Holy Father insists on everybody seeking to acquire a
personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus
must be our Best Friend! We cannot serve
God and Mammon (sin, pornography) at the same time! Our God is a jealous God and will take second
place to nobody or anything. Looked at
objectively, to sacrifice the love and Friendship with Jesus for some base,
crass, sinful momentary pleasure--- that of addiction to pornography-- is the
height of absurdity! Worse yet, Our Lady
of Fatima sadly asserted that most of the souls that are lost for all eternity
are lost due to sins against the virtue of purity—sins against the sixth and
ninth commandment.
LOSS OF JOY AND PEACE. Finally, St Thomas Aquinas the Angelic
Doctor, asserts that every human person is in the pursuit of happiness.
Therefore, why is it that so many people live an existence of sheer sadness,
turmoil and constant agitation? The
reason is the following: they are seeking happiness and joy where happiness and
joy cannot be found--- namely in sinful pleasure. Jesus greeted the Apostles
with “Shalom”—peace be with you! He
also wished His Apostles joy. Addiction to pornography extinguishes both peace
and joy in the human heart!
In this short article we have
highlighted the danger of the ravenous wolf of pornography invading our homes,
marriages and even destroying families. Also we have listed the noxious,
poisonous effects of what an addiction to pornography can cause. However, we know that God is much more
powerful than all the evil that can surround us because our help is in the name
of the Lord who made heaven and earth.
The following article—sequel—will
offer our strategy or game plan on how we can fight the good fight, run the good
race and conquer the enemy in this mortal battle for our country, our
community, our family and children in
fighting the ravenous wolf of pornography!
God allows evil to bring even greater good out of evil. (Saint
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