Monday, October 10, 2011



The prayer that Our Blessed Mother loves most is the most Holy Rosary.  When she appeared in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, she appeared to three shepherd children-- Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco-- and in every one of the  six (6) apparitions  she said:  "Pray the Rosary."  If a mother repeats herself 6 times, it means that the message must be important. If our heavenly Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary,  emphasized 6 times to pray the Rosary, then it must be important.  Blessed John Paul II reiterated this request of Mary in his Apostolic exhortation BLESSED VIRGIN MARY AND THE ROSARY, and for two specific intentions: for world peace and for the family.  Fr. Patrick Peyton,  "The Rosary priest" is famous for his promotion of the family Rosary, the movie on the 15 decades of the Rosary and for having coined these two immortal  sayings: " The family that prays together, stays together".... and... "A world at prayer is a world at peace..."      Could it be that there are so many family problems and so many wars for the simple reason that we are not praying, and specifically, not praying the Rosary???  I would like to invite all to become "Rosary Apostles" with these suggestions.

1. PRAY THE ROSARY!  You cannot preach what you do not live!  Fulton Sheen stated that all could pray 15 decades a day!  Blessed John XXIII, indeed prayed 15 decades a day, even while he was pope. So, pray the Rosary!

2 MEMORIZE THE MYSTERIES!  As a child early in life I memorized the mysteries and  consequently, walking or travelling I could pray the Rosary anywhere and  always in free spaces of time!

3. READ ON THE ROSARY!  Pope Leo XIII is known as the "Rosary Pope" because he wrote 12 encyclicals on the Rosary (usually issued in October , the month of the Rosary) as well as 5 letters on the Rosary. Read St Louis de Montfort's classic  THE SECRET OF THE ROSARY, and finally Pope John Paul II's apostolic exhortation  THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY AND THE ROSARY!  Knowledge engenders love; love leads to imitation. Nothing better than to know, love and imitate Jesus and Mary!

4. ROSARY MAKER!   If you have the time and the energy, learn how to make Rosaries!

5. GIVE ROSARIES!  After having made the Rosaries, generously give out the Rosary to anybody that might ask you. Always carry a few with you to give out when the opportunity presents itself!

6. EXPLAIN THE ROSARY!  Do not presume that people-- even catholics-- know how to pray the Rosary!  Teach them!  Carry with you Rosary pamphlets and like the Rosaries, give them away freely. However, take a few minutes to read the pamphlet and explain it!

7. PRAY IT WITH THEM!  Better yet, give the Rosary as well as the pamphlet and then offer to pray the Rosary with them.  Be kind, patient, and joyful!  The Blessed Virgin is looking at you from heaven with immense  joy and will reward you generously in heaven for your Rosary Apostleship!

8. CHILDREN!  Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."  Teach children to pray the Rosary; they can!  Did not Our Lady of Fatima appear to simple, uneducated children (shepherd children) teaching them to pray the Rosary. The Rosary can preserve their innocence in a very  dangerous world!

9. FUNERALS!     This is a "Prime-time" to pray the Rosary for the deceased as well as for the relatives of the deceased.  Why not offer to do a novena-- that is to say, to pray the Rosary 9 consecutive days!  How pleasing this is to Mary and what a relief for the souls in Purgatory!

10.  FAMILY!   Finally, find time to pray the Rosary with your family! Have a set time, set place and form a habit to pray the Rosary regularly. In other words form a  "Rosary habit" for the family!

In conclusion, if you love the Rosary, pray the Rosary, introduce others to the Rosary, promote the Rosary and live out the teachings of the Rosary, which is "a compendium of the whole Gospel" the rewards will be joy and peace in this life and eternal life. Mary will smile at you from heaven and be there to welcome you to heaven!!!!

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