FOUNDATION. Off the bat, St. Ignatius invites us to reflect on the reason for
our existence in “Principle and Foundation”. In the very first words Ignatius
says, “Man is created to praise God…..” All the other considerations follow the
call to praise God…
St. Thomas Aquinas divided the angels into categories or groups which are
called “Choirs”: angels, archangels, principalities, virtues, powers,
dominations thrones, cherubim and seraphim. The highest choirs of angels have
as their primary purpose and goal to praise God, the Father, The Son and the
Holy Spirit. Therefore, devotion to angels can heighten our ability to praise
God. Their example and prayer indeed can motivate us to do the same! That first
Christmas night the Shepherds learned about the birth of the Infant Child Jesus
die to the announcement of the choirs of angels in the darkness and the cold of
the night. “And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the
angel praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace
to those on whom his favor rests.” (Lk. 2:13-14).
FATIMA. Before Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the three shepherd children,
Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia, the Guardian Angel of Portugal appeared three
times to them. The angel taught them to pray to God; also the angel taught them
a posture of prayer which was how to prostrate before the Majesty and Awesome
greatness of God and to praise Him. Furthermore, the angel invited them to
offer prayers of reparation. Finally, the third and final apparition, the angel
appeared, but suspended in the air was the Blessed Sacrament, the Most Holy
Sacrament, The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. A Large Host could be
seen and below it the Chalice of the Blood of Jesus. The angel invited them to
receive and offer reparation for the sins against this most sublime and august
of Sacraments. In sum, the message of Fatima can bring us to our knees in
humble adoration before our Eucharistic Lord; once again through the
instrumentality of the angels! O come let us adore the Lord!

OF THE MASS. Beyond a shadow of doubt the most perfect way that any human being
can adore God on this earth which is truly the antechamber of heaven is through
a reverent, devout, fervent and faith-filled attendance, and participation in
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The ultimate goal and purpose of the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass is to praise God the Father, by the offering of God the
Son--- Jesus the spotless victim—and through the power of the Holy Spirit. The
Doxology says it all: “Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Father, forever and ever.
Amen! This sublime gesture is done right before the praying of the Our Father
and shortly before receiving the Bread of the angels, Holy Communion!
8. OUR LIFE. In one
of his brilliant commentaries, the great St. Augustine cautions us to be
authentic. He says that we should be careful to not contradict the praise we
have uttered with our lips with the hypocrisy of our lives. In other words, the
praise that resounds from our hearts and lips must be reflected by the love we
manifest to our brothers and sisters. Remember the last and greatest
commandment of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
OF ADORATION. The church invites us to come before the Blessed Sacrament to be
with the Lord. However, simply being in front of the Blessed Sacrament does not
mean that we indeed are praising God. Statues, corpses, and bicycle pumps can
be in front of the Blessed Sacrament and we cannot say that they are adoring
the Lord! It is up to Pastors, teachers and catechists to train the faithful
how to exercise the art of adoration. Some practical suggestions! Silence in
church because we are approaching a three times holy God. (Isaiah’s vision in
the temple). GENULFLECTION! With great reverence, make a genuflection. This
indeed is a gesture of recognition of who God is and our duty to adore Him with
this bodily posture. Look at Him with love; as the Psalmist invites us:“Look to
the Lord and be radiant with joy.” Allow your memory, mind, understanding, will
and affections be totally engaged and enthralled, absorbed in HE WHOM YOU ARE
CONVERSING WITH! True prayer involves the engagement of the whole person and can
lead to adoration!

10. MARY. Mary can
teach us how to pray. When she appears she always invites us to pray. The
longest and most beautiful prayer of Mary in the Bible is her Magnificat which
is an invitation to pray to God, but especially to praise God. Listen to the
words that the Holy Spirit inspired in the Immaculate Heart of Mary: “My soul
magnifies the Lord…. Another way for saying, “My soul praises the Lord…” May
Our Lady teach us to praise God here on earth and in heaven for all eternity!