Ornament of the Domestic Life, Patron of Spouses, Patron of fathers, Patron of the family, Patron of the Universal Church, Patron of Purity, Patron of immigrants, Patron of the Interior Life, Patron of Courtships, Patron of those in trial, Patron of workers, Patron of a holy and happy death—all of these most glorious titles the Church applies to the Glorious Saint Joseph.

Saint Joseph as a saint stands in a class by himself. The theological term is that of PROTODULIA.   Latria attributes to God adoration; to Our Lady hyperdulia, the highest veneration; to the saints dulia, veneration. However, Glorious Saint Joseph is given protodulia—meaning the first in veneration among all the saints.

GRACE OF OFFICE—CORRESPONDING GRACES. (St Bernardine of Siena—Doctor of the Church expounds upon tis theological concept)   Theology teaches that God bestows graces according to the specific office of the individual.  The Sacrament of Matrimony imbues the couple with the grace to be faithful, to be open to children and to grow in love. Holy Orders capacitates the man to be faithful to his priestly duties for the service and salvation of the People of God.

Therefore, Glorious Saint Joseph, second only to Jesus and Mary in dignity honor and holiness, was given the most sublime office or mission in the history of the world. He was entrusted with a double mission and responsibility: to be the Spouse of the Mother of God and even more important Saint Joseph was called to be the Foster-Father of Jesus, the Son of the Eternal Father. How noble, lofty, sublime was the mission, the purpose and the responsibility of Glorious Saint Joseph.  It is for this reason that he was given special and signal graces so as to be able to carry out this mission with the greatest perfection for the honor and glory of God and for the salvation of souls!

Being such a powerful intercessor before God and man, let us have frequent and trusting recourse to this greatest of all saints; we might even call Saint Joseph, the “King of all saints”.  We will offer five specific areas  in which Saint Joseph can help us as we strive as soldiers of Christ, fighting the good fight and running the demanding race to reach heaven where Saint Joseph is exalted on high!

1.    PATRON OF THE INTERIOR LIFE.  Saint Teresa of Avila whose life was saved through the powerful intercession of Saint Joseph proclaimed his praises constantly, so much so that upon founding a new house or convent she would name it in honor of this great saint—SAN JOSE! However, most especially, Saint Teresa of Avila, the Reformer of the Carmelite Order, dedicated especially to prayer, penance and for the sanctification of priests insisted on our calling upon the great and glorious Saint Joseph to help us to go deeper and deeper in our spiritual life, especially our prayer life. As astounding as this might seem: Saint Joseph actually taught Jesus to pray—His first vocal prayers and the praying of the Psalms.  If Saint Joseph was chosen to help Jesus to call out to God the Father and pronounce “Abba” Daddy and to pray those beautiful hymns of praise and thanks that we call the Psalms, then how much more will Saint Joseph be willing to help us to desire to pray, love prayer, grow in prayer and learn that what air is to our lungs so prayer is to the soul!


2.    PATRON OF PURITY.  Our Lady of Fatima stated close to 100 years ago that many marriages are bad, that many immodest fashions would enter the world that would gravely offend God, and that most souls are lost for all eternity due to the sins of the flesh, the sins against the virtue of purity.  Then in October in addition to the miracle of the sun and the apparition of Our Lady of Sorrows, good Saint Joseph appeared with the Child Jesus in his arms blessing the world. Being dead honest, we must admit that we live in a pornographic world, a world dominated by the lust of the flesh, power and greed.  Most especially the devil of impurity is running rampant and having a hey-day!  Therefore, families should consecrate themselves to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, to the most pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and finally to the most pure person and heart of good Saint Joseph.  Saint Joseph and Our Lady lived a life of absolute purity and made, inspired by the Holy Spirit, a vow of perpetual virginity in their marriage.   Their love for each other was human, noble, and sublime but did not have the least traces of lust that dominate so many courtships as well as marriages today. Frequently, Saint Joseph is depicted with a lily or rose in his hand; this symbolizes his absolute purity of mind, heart, affection, intention and body. Indeed he is the patron of purity. Let us consecrate our purity of body, mind, heart, soul, affection, and even intention to the most pure heart and person of Glorious Saint Joseph.  Never was it known that anyone who fled to his intercession was left unaided. Never has there even been an onslaught and deluge of temptations against our teenagers as in the modern world. In a special way let us consecrate our teenagers to the purity of good Saint Joseph.


3.    PATRON OF MEN.  Among the many crises in the world is that of

manhood—what it really means to be a man! Many men have fallen into the trap of the homosexual lifestyle because upon growing up they never had a male-figure upon which they could model their masculine identity. If fathers really lived out what it means to be a strong, virile and responsible man, then there would most likely be many less boys and men that would head down the erroneous path of the homosexual or gay lifestyle.  Saint Joseph was a true man in the full sense of the word MAN! What were some of these characteristics of manhood that he displayed?  Saint Joseph was strong, virile, a hard-worker, masculine. When confronted with problems he did not play the coward, become the chicken and abandon the ship. Saint Joseph manifests his true manliness in being with Jesus and Mary in the really tough times, going before them and confronting the trials, difficulties and even what appeared to be failures. The long and arduous trip to Bethlehem with Our Lady’s pregnancy and the rejection—“No room for them in the Inn”; the arduous flight into Egypt, saving Jesus and Mary from the malicious intent of King Herod, then the return; the loss of Jesus for three long days—in all of these Saint Joseph was present!  He suffered intensely, but hung in there and did not give up. One of the most evident signs of manliness and masculinity is the readiness and willingness to undergo trials, tribulations and sufferings for the loved ones. In Glorious Saint Joseph we see this quality to the most exalted degree! May the strong and manly Saint Joseph inspire men to follow courageously in his most noble footsteps! Strong men need a model and they can definitely discover it in the strong and manly presence of Saint Joseph, the Patron of men.


4.    PATRON OF WORKERS.  Due to the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve,(Gen 3) man is called to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow—in other words, the call to hard work. However, due to Original Sin also we all tend to be lazy and to shirk the demanding responsibilities of our duty and state of life.  Most clearly do we see Glorious Saint Joseph in the carpenter shop of Nazareth as the hard, faithful, ordered, methodical, systematic worker. Try to imagine yourself present a typical day in the carpenter shop beside Jesus and Saint Joseph working. Contemplate their effort, their sweat, their order, their discipline, their love in carrying the humble task of making tables, chairs, windows, and other works of wood. They were never lazy; nor did they ever cut corners. They were punctual; they were well-ordered in all of their actions. Their work was done to please the Eternal Father, to serve others, to sustain the family and as a splendid example for all of us who are called to work hard in this life so as to rest for all eternity in heaven. Saint Paul reminds us clearly:  “Work out your salvation in fear and trembling.” Saint Alberto Hurtado, S.J. offers this challenging maxim:  “There are two places to rest: the cemetery and heaven.” May Good Saint Joseph inspire to utilize all of our talents, work hard and live with our minds focused on heaven our eternal home.


5.    PATRON OF A HOLY AND HAPPY DEATH.  The great mystic, stigmatic, and woman Doctor of the Church, Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) states:  “The two most important moments of our life are now and at the hour of our death.” (Sounds like the last part of the Hail Mary).  The most sober reality and the moment of truth is  the moment we die and how we die. This  will determine our eternal destiny; either we will be saved and go to heaven or we will be condemned and go to hell. There is no other possibility.  Glorious Saint Joseph is the Patron of a Holy and Happy death. Indeed, Saint Joseph died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. They were there during his last moments as Saint Joseph breathed forth his spirit. Without fear or anxiety, we should constantly be aware of our impending death and to be constantly preparing our souls for that most important moment that will determine our eternal destiny. Many saints experienced the power of the enemy the devil, especially in those last hours preceding death. For that reason we should call upon the holy name of Saint Joseph. Another one of his titles is that of TERROR OF DEMONS. When the devils come launching their last attack, upon hearing the holy name of Saint Joseph, they will most assuredly take to flight. Let us close with a prayer to Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, make my heart like unto thine. Jesus Mary and Jesus assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I breathe forth my soul unto thee. O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.