St. Louis de Montfort states that
Mary is the quickest, easiest, and most efficacious path to Jesus. She is the
shortcut to holiness, and heaven. In our growing relationship to Mary we should
cultivate two specific areas: doctrine and devotion. We should know Marian dogmas and be able to
explain them to others, but also we should cultivate a tender and loving
devotion to Mary.
Doctrine without devotion leads to
aridity; whereas devotion without any doctrinal foundation can easily lead to
mere sentimentalism. We need both in our
growing love for Mary: doctrine and devotion.
In this short essay we would like to
focus upon Marian devotion and offer ten specific Marian devotions that can be
undertaken to set our hearts on fire in love of Mary who will always lead us to
the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Authentic Marian devotion will never
block our way to Jesus; rather Mary is a high speed Freeway to the Heart of
Jesus. The last recorded words of Mary
in the Gospel of St John in the Wedding Feast of Cana are: “Do whatever he
tells you.” The best advice! If the
world would only heed this advice, peace and love would reign and heaven would
be ours!
CONSECRATION TO MARY. The first gesture we should do upon
awakening in the morning should be to pray our prayer of consecration of our
whole self to Jesus through Mary. The
Cure of Ars stated: “He who begins well the day will end it well.” We want to start off on the right foot by
giving ourselves to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
SCAPULAR. Wear the brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel. The Scapular is one of the most
highly approved and recommended Marian sacramentals and devotions. The Scapular should be brown of color, worn
over one’s shoulders and cherished. The
Scapular is “Mary’s garment”. It is an
exterior sign that we belong to Mary, are in the family of Mary and want to
live constantly in her Immaculate Heart. Furthermore, many miracles have been
attributed to the wearing of the Scapular as a true sign of Mary’s love and
protection. Read the small booklet on the many miracles attributed to Mary’s
intercession and the Scapular titled, Garment
of Grace. The church approves so
highly the Scapular that simply kissing the Scapular with love one can receive
a partial Indulgence and apply it to oneself or the souls in Purgatory.

THE ANGELUS. Get into the habit of praying the
Angelus. This prayer, so pleasing to
the Heart of Mary, is a short summary of two of the key mysteries of the
Catholic faith: the Incarnation of the Son of God, and His Paschal mystery,
Jesus’ Passion, death and Resurrection.
For years the Holy Father prays the Angelus on Sunday publically at
noon. Why not go beyond that and pray
the angelus three times a day: 9:00. a.m. to sanctify the morning hours, noon,
to sanctify the afternoon, and 6:00 p.m. to sanctify the evening. All to Jesus through Mary!
GOLDEN HAIL MARY. Once St. Gertrude had a vision of Jesus
placing a golden coin on top of a pile of other golden coins. The Saint
inquired into the meaning of this vision. Jesus explained that every time she
prayed a Hail Mary with great love that He was storing a golden coin for her in
heaven for all eternity. Why not strive to be spiritual millionaires and pray
the Golden Hail Mary. St. Ignatius,
teaching us ways to pray, encourages us to take a formal prayer that we know well
and to say it slowly and relish each and every one of the words!

MARY, THIRTY-THREE DAYS TO MORING GLORY, KOLBE. There are several different ways that we can
consecrate ourselves to Mary: St. Louis de Montfort offers us True Devotion to Mary. The process takes
a little more than the month and goes through stages: knowledge of self,
knowledge of the world and its traps, knowledge of Mary, and knowledge of Jesus
and culminates in the consecration of one’s total self to Jesus through
Mary. Blessed Pope John Paul II loved
and lived out this consecration. His papal emblem was “Totus tuus ego sum”—I am all yours Jesus through Mary. If you have
already done the consecration, then renew it.
Our devotion to Mary is like the vastness of the ocean; there are no
limits to the greatness of our love for Jesus and Mary.
Another beautiful prayer so pleasing to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is
the Memorare. St. Frances de Sales was assaulted by
horrendous and persistent temptations, almost to the point of giving in to
despair. Finally he knelt before an image of Our lady of Victory and prayed the
Memorare with faith and devotion and the temptation disappeared. On the emblem of the Logos of the Oblates of
the Virgin Mary are words in Latin: “Maria
cogita, Maria invoca.” Think of Mary
and invoke Mary. “Never was it known that
anyone who fled to Mary was left unaided.”
MIRACULOUS MEDAL. Also called the Medal of the Immaculate
Conception. It has been called the Miraculous Medal due to the many miracles
that have been attributed to those who wear this Marian Sacramental with love,
confidence and devotion. St. Maximilian Kolbe loved this devotion, so much so
that he would carry them in his pocket and give them out freely. He called them
“Mary’s bullets!”
HOLY COMMUNION AND MARY. Blessed Pope John Paul II recommends that to
receive Holy Communion with abundant graces we should receive Holy Communion
through the Heart of Mary. The same Pope made this parallel. The “Yes” of Mary
at the Annunciation resulted in the Incarnation of the Son of God. Mary receives
Jesus into her Heart. In a parallel sense this happens every time we say AMEN
when we receive Holy Communion! This results in a Eucharistic Incarnation in
our souls.

HOLY ROSARY. Our lady of Fatima appeared in 1917 six
consecutive months. Every time she appeared she said to pray the Rosary. If the Mother of God insisted six times to
pray the Rosary then it must be important! Pope John Paul II in his Marian
document, The Blessed Virgin Mary and the
Rosary also encouraged the world at large to pray the Rosary and for two
special intentions: for world peace and for the salvation of the family. Remember the two immortal sayings of Father
Patrick Peyton, known as the Rosary priest: “The
family that prays together stays together”… and “A world at prayer is a world at peace.” Now more than ever does
the family need prayers, not to mention a war-stricken world!

10. IMITATE MARY. If we really love Jesus and Mary then true
love generates a following and a willingness to imitate. In his classic True Devotion to Mary St. Louis de Montfort lists Mary’s ten
principal virtues: her deep humility, lively faith, blind obedience, unceasing
prayer, constant self-denial, surpassing purity, ardent love, heroic patience,
angelic kindness, and heavenly wisdom. (True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis de
Montfort # 108)
Conclusion. Mary is the quickest,
easiest and most efficacious pathway to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus came
to the world through Mary and left Mary to be our Mother. Why not choose Mary
to be your loving and tender Mother. If done you will experience life,
sweetness and perpetual hope!