Mary's Magnificent Magnificat Masterpiece

In Sacred Scripture Mary speaks seven times. Can you name them?  The most extended set of words that we have from Mary is her “Magnificat”.  This word “”Magnificat” comes from Latin and means, “Magnify”. To accentuate, to make big. Remember, using a “magnify glass” to magnify the size of the small letters on the page.  Mary’s greatest desire was to magnify the Lord in all her words, prayers, actions, silence, sufferings--- in a word with all of her being!

Mary’s “Magnificat” can be found in Lk. 1: 46-56, in the contest of Mary’s “Visitation” to her cousin St. Elizabeth.

This beautiful hymn/canticle of praise that explodes from the most pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary, can serve as a model for us in our own personal prayer-lives and teach us to truly praise God with our whole being!

Below are some simple but hopefully helpful reflections on Mary’s Magnficat!

1.    Mary’s soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.  Mary desired to live out Principle and Foundation which is precisely this—the call to praise God.  The highest form of prayer is that of praise. The highest choirs of angels have been doing this, are doing this and will be doing this--- praising the Trinity in heaven.  May Mary inspire us to praise the Lord.

2.    JOY IN GOD!   Mary rejoices in God!  True, authentic, joy can only be found in God! All of humanity honestly desires joy, but many experience sadness because they are pursuing joy in a false, illusory god, an idol, a mere mirage.   The devil can easily present counterfeit happiness! Mary rejoices in God and so should we!

3.    HUMILITY.  God has looked upon the lowliness(humility) of his handmaid.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church underlines the fact that pride damages prayer.  Mary’s humility was her greatness in the eyes of God.  A humble person recognizes that all the good he can do comes from God and all the evil is his own doing.  May Mary attain for us a humble heart!

4.    CALL ME BLESSED!   True!  Every time we pray the Hail Mary we are calling Mary the “Blessed one”.  “Blessed are you among women… and blessed is the fruit of your womb JESUS!  Pray the DIVINE PRAISES, to glorify and praise God as well as Mary, the Mother of God

5.     HOLY IS HIS NAME.  Mary lives out the 2nd Commandment—to keep the Lord’s name holy. In reparation for the many who profane the name of the Lord, with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us praise the HOLY NAME OF THE LORD.  (Pray the Divine Praises).

6.    MERCY.  The greatest attribute of Jesus is praised by Mary: HIS MERCY!  Both Blessed John Paul II and Saint Faustina Kowalska  praise the MERCY of God as His greatest attribute.  But mercy is related to one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: FEAR OF THE LORD.    “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.”

7.    God casts down the proud and the arrogant.  In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, the proud Pharisee was rejected by Jesus, whereas the humble and contrite Publican was exalted. At all times we should be examining our consciences and our lives to prevent the insidious dust of pride   from souring and contaminating our spiritual lives. Mary our Lady intercede for us!

8.     God feeds the hungry, especially those who hunger for the Word of God and hunger for the Bread of life. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, and Our Lady of Lourdes asked for a church to be built. Why? So that Jesus might heal us there through the Sacramento of Reconciliation, but also to feed us in Mass through the reception of Holy Communion, the “bread of Life”.   Mary teaches us to live out the Beatitude:  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for holiness, they will be filled.” (Mt.5: 6). May Our Lady of the Eucharist, help us to hunger for what really matters: prayer, holiness, the Eucharist, (The Bread of Life) and our heavenly home!

9.     God helps Israel his servant!   True followers of Jesus must be true servants.  Jesus said with great clarity:  “The Son of man has not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life in ransom for many.” At the Last Supper, Jesus modeled the role of servant as he poured water on the feet of His disciples and told them to love.  The greatest commandment is to love one another as I have loved you!

10. Abraham.  Is the Father of faith. Mary is the woman of faith. Even as Mary stood beneath the cross of her suffering, and dying Son, her faith never wavered.  Mary teaches us to be thankful for the faith we have received freely as a gift, but to cultivate the faith, but also to grow in our faith.  One of the most efficacious ways to grow in our faith is to share our faith with others.  The mystery of the Visitation, teaches us through Mary’s example that our faith must be shared by word and by example of active charity!

In sum, the Magnificat of Mary is a model prayer for all of us. St. Louis de Montfort also suggests that this prayer can serve as an excellent means to give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ after receiving Him in Holy Communion!  What better way to praise the Eucharistic Lord than through the Immaculate Heart of Mary!