MASS: PREPARING THROUGH    A.C.T.S......................

The purpose and end of Holy Mass can be summarized by an acronym with four (4) letters:
A.C.T.S.   Each of the letters specifies a unique end/ purpose of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  The graces that flow from Holy Mass are infinite.  The graces that you receive are only limited by your lack of preparation or lack of proper disposition.  Therefore, if you can implement this practice by arriving 15 minutes to 30 minutes early for Mass utilizing the practices outlined by this acronym, then the efficacy of your Holy Communions will skyrocket! Try it!

A= ADORATION.  The highest form of prayer is "adoration". Open your Bible and slowly pray Psalm 148 a wonderful Psalm of praise of God. Ignatius affirms this with his Principle and Foundation: "Man is created to praise God.  The highest form of praise in this world is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

C=CONTRITION.  Place on the altar all of your misery, failings and sins and beg the Lord of forgiveness.  The Lord is slow to anger and quick to forgive.  Pray Psalm 51.  This is without a doubt one of the most profound, heart-rending acts of contrition ever composed, by King  David, a repentant sinner, after committing adultery and murder.  "O Lord a humble and contrite heart, you will not spurn..."

T=THANKSGIVING.    The word "Eucharist" means thanksgiving. Pour out you heart with abundant sentiments of gratitude.  Read  Lk. 17: 11-19, "The Cleansing of the 10 lepers".  What do you have that you have not received from the bountiful Heart of your loving Savior.  A grateful heart is pleasing to  God.  We must cultivate "an attitude of gratitude". William Shakespeare poignantly expressed it in these words:  "More painful than a serpent's tooth is that of an ungrateful child."

S= SUPPLICATION.  Meaning, we  are all beggars before the Lord. (St Augustine).   We all have our hearts heavy with many and important intentions.  Never forget the Lord wants to give to you even more than you want to receive. Beg especially for the higher gifts: holiness, freedom from sin, the conversion of sinners, the gift of prayer, the salvation of your family and the conversion of death-bed sinners.  Read Mt. 7:7-11.  "Ask and you will receive.... However, ask with faith and with "BOLD CONFIDENCE"  (St Faustina and the Diary of Divine Mercy in my soul).

In sum, if you prepare yourself better for Holy Mass and Holy Communion the effects in your life will be nothing less than a notable growth and holiness and Friendship with Jesus. Why not start now!!!!